MARIN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA – George Lucas, owner of Lucasfilm and creator of the brilliant Star Wars trilogy (and the not-so-brilliant prequels), issued a statement today via his lawyer Greg Bergstein pressing charges over electronic music producer RJD2′s copyright infringement on his creation, R2-D2.
The statement reads “On behalf of George Lucas and Lucasfilm Ltd., Bergstein, Mather and Cole is issuing a cease and desist on the name RJD2. R2-D2 and any derivatives thereof are copyrights of Lucasfilm Ltd. and cannot be used without permission.”
A cult electronic producer since 2002′s acclaimed album Deadringer, the question on everybody’s lips is ‘Why now?’
Bergstein, on the phone from his Hollywood offices, explained “Lucas is 69 years old, okay? He’s more concerned with the health of his colon than following music blogs on the internet. Give him a fucking break.”
Apparently Lucas, who prefers the seventies prog rock of Emerson, Lake & Palmer to “people who play bits of other people’s music” discovered RJD2′s name on the credits of the latest season of Mad Men and was enraged at the spoof of his favourite robot creation’s name.
RJD2 (AKA Oregon-born Ramble J. Krohn) could not be reached for comment at this time, but a rumour circulating on various blogs suggests that he is considering changing his name to R3P0.